Dec 14, 2022
I talk to a lot of people who would love to become a wellness coach and build their own business, but a lot of them really struggle with a lot of doubt.
They doubt whether this is really possible. They're maybe even skeptical, because, let's face it, it sounds too good to be true, doesn't it?
When you run a successful business as a wellness coach, you are your own boss. You set your own hours, go on vacation when you want, work from home if you want, or really work from wherever in the world you like. And, even better than all that, you get to wake up every day with the satisfaction of knowing that you are helping people to improve their lives. I mean, it just sounds amazing, right? So I don't blame people for being skeptical. Because it does sound too good to be true.
Which is why I'm so excited to share with you today's conversation with my guest Amanda Nighbert… because Amanda is a registered dietitian who specialized in weight loss nutrition – and she has built, no joke, a 7-figure business out of her area of expertise.
Amanda used to work at a hospital making $66K a year, before following her passion and starting her own business, which is now more successful than she could have possibly imagined when she first started out.
In fact, you'll hear us talk about this during the interview, that all she really wanted to do when she started out was make $1000 extra each month. That was her initial goal. But she has gone way beyond that goal, obviously.
And it's all because she made the decision that she just wasn't going to settle for the status quo. She was willing to try something new, and she has given herself permission to try, and see what happens … instead of worrying about what might go wrong, and thinking that this isn't really possible.
And I'm saying this because I know those doubts and worries are what are stopping a lot of YOU from jumping in and getting moving.
So without further ado, to show you just what is truly possible for you, if you are willing to show up for yourself – here's my conversation with Amanda Nighbert.
Full episode notes: